How to be an Inclusive Club

Building Inclusive Sport Clubs 2023 - Victorian Program Registration
The Building Inclusive Sport Clubs program aims to support community sport organisations to embed sustainable inclusive practices and programs to better support people with disabilities to access sport and recreational activities in their local area.
Registrations have now opened from 14 April 2023 for the program in Victoria with the link for organisations to express their interest here.
To find out more about this program please click here.

Inclusive Sport Design is here to help you make inclusion part of what you do so your club or organisation reflects the diversity in your community.

Vicsport aims to raise awareness and assist State Sport Associations, Clubs, Leagues and Associations to spread positive messages about the benefits of diversity and inclusion in sport.

This guide provides advice, ideas, contacts and practical ways that your club can become more inclusive of people with a disability. View PDF

Inclusion is an attitude embedded into your club’s culture. You don’t need to start with big changes and disability specific programs. These things will come when the time is right. The important thing is to start somewhere. Read about these steps toward becoming an Inclusive Club!

This resource website is designed for volunteers and staff who are involved in facilitating sport and active recreation experiences to gain an understanding of working for people with disabilities.

Provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.

Sharing models of good inclusive practice in sport and recreation for people with disability. Here you’ll find an ever growing catalogue of downloadable material, the majority of which are absolutely free and instantly accessible.

Checklist #2: Club Inclusion This Checklist is aimed at giving you some practical ideas about developing and inclusive sport or recreation club.

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Western Australia has produced a downloadable pdf on How to be an inclusive club.

How to be disability inclusive
This paper is a guide to disability inclusion and how to ensure we can all live and work in an accessible world. View PDF

The Office of Sport NSW has a list of resources and advice that support what club committees can do. There are 8 key steps club committees should follow to create safe and fair clubs.

Inclusive activity cards for all levels of ability designed to develop children's skills, confidence and motivation for sports-based activities.

Sport inclusion Australia resources
This is a list of resources to provide information about inclusion in sport. SIA hopes these resources give ideas and strategies for consideration.

Be Prepared! Disability and sport resource
This resource website is designed for volunteers and staff who are involved in facilitating sport and active recreation experiences to gain an understanding of working for people with disabilities.
Online Training

Doing Sports differently webinars and resources
Contains resources which can be used to support and inspire sport clubs and associations to Do Sport Differently during and after COVID-19.

Special Olympics' FREE Online Training Course for ASD
Special Olympics Australia in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria have just released a new FREE online learning course called An Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Special Olympics Inclusive Coaching Course
Looking to create a more inclusive sporting environment? Check out this new online coaching course for people with an intellectual disability developed by @soaustralia.

This podcast is part of a series that highlights adjustments that can be made in the classroom to enable students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as their peers.